Create a Business Account
  • Manage Inventory, Orders, Customers, Events, Reporting & Finances
  • Ecommerce Website, Merchant Services, and Payment Processing
Business Name
Your Name
Contact Email
Business Size
Terms and Conditions
Acceptable Use
You agree to use the software legally and for its intended purpose.
Privacy Policy
Sales and item data may be collected to assist with market price discovery of items. No other data related to your account is sold, traded, or shared.
We are not liable for chargebacks. If an order does not show 3DS2 secure you must investigate it yourself before confirming it.
Third Party Partners
Ecommerce website payment processing is provided by our processing partner. You will need to set up an account with them and provide the neccessary information (we will arrange this for you).
Price Plans and Billing
An invoice will be sent automatically every month. If payment is not received within 30 days a late payment fee of $50 will be applied every 30 days. Plans and prices are subject to change, in such event you will get 30 days notice.
Small Store Point-of-Sale & Marketplace Monthly:
Online Commission:
Medium Store Point-of-Sale & Marketplace
+ Basic Ecommerce Website
Online Commission:
Large Store Point-of-Sale & Marketplace
+ Premium Ecommerce Website
Online Commission:
Additional third party payment processing fees may apply*
Screenshots, video recordings, demonstrations, account login credentials, and source-code of our products may not be shared with anyone.
Market Data
Market price data for certain items may be provided and is meant to assist you with pricing decisions. Due to factors outside of our control we can't guarantee the accuracy of this data and will not be held liable for inaccurate market price data.
Marketplace Requirements
Items must be shipped or made available for pickup within 3 business days. Items delivered must reasonably match the description and image shown on the item when sold. At least one high quality image, a description, and categories must be accurate for all items listed for sale.
The subscription can be cancelled for any reason with 30 days notice.
Business Name:  
Your Name:  
Contact Email:  
Business Size: